Digital Marketing :Changing the face of marketing 

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Nowadays, you can find digital versions of almost everything you can imagine. Do you know what? The reason behind it is great. Digital marketing is very easy and convenient. It is not as risky as traditional marketing and it can be very effective. With digital marketing, you can keep track of and measure all your work, which was not possible with traditional marketing. This is only the beginning. Digital marketing will change the face of marketing in the coming years and will open up a new era of marketing. Some of the digital marketing trends that will rule the world are:

Some significant improvements in the fields of medical technology, robotics, and biotechnology have already been made by artificial intelligence. Next, it is expected to take over simpler jobs which are currently managed by humans. Today’s AI is interactive, responsive, and can be easily personalized. Adopting AI is becoming increasingly popular among businesses as a way to boost their businesses, with Chatbots being a big help.

One of the best examples of an Artificial Intelligence Algorithm is a chatbot. As technology advances, chatbots are being used more frequently for direct communication and interaction with customers.   Chatbots understand and adopt the way humans communicate, store the data, and then answer back accordingly. This technique is used by many companies today. The main advantage of chatbots is that they are available 24/7 and keep customers engaged. It can be used for both business to business (B2B) and business to consumers (B2C).

A new wave in the digital world has been created by Voice Search. The digital marketing era’s next big thing. As time goes on, virtual assistants are becoming more and more advanced and easy to use, and this trend will continue. Voice search has been enabled by the increment in penetration of high-speed internet and smartphones, and has grabbed one-third of the share of searches done on Google.

Videos are currently the most engaging form of content. Now, it is becoming more and more apparent that visual content is more attractive and engaging than written content. The trends and demands of the customer dictate the words used in digital marketing. Considering this, digital marketers are now moving from written to more visual content. Social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram are popular among internet users. Different types of videos are watched on these platforms including funny, informative, social activity, news, and many more. Each type of video is part of some digital marketing campaign.

Although influence marketing is not a new concept, it has only recently become more important. Marketing has been given a new level and face. Digital influencers have a large and diverse following on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more digital/social platforms. Marketers can reach this audience by working with influencers to get their message across. Now, more than ever before, this way of spreading brand awareness is going to be on the forefront.

Virtual Reality is an artificially created reality that allows users to experience different emotions and events without actually being in those situations. Companies are selling unique experiences to their customers with innovative virtual reality campaigns to raise brand awareness. However, Augmented reality is an additional digital layer over reality. Augmented reality allows people to immerse themselves in unique experiences.AR has been used by many organizations and companies to drive their marketing campaigns. An example of this would be “Pokemon Go” which captured the entire mobile gaming market rapidly. Augmented Reality was the basis for this game.

The market is competitive with so many brands. How do you think your brand can stand out from the rest? Personalization is the most convincing and latest answer which is driving all digital efforts worldwide. How can a marketer create a personalized experience for a consumer sitting on the other side of the screen? This requires personalized content. Sailing your boat requires creativity and thinking outside the box. Add a personal and emotional touch to everything you put out in the market. This will help you build new relationships and strengthen existing ones. Some of the trends that will rule digital marketing in the upcoming era are as follows. If you want to stay ahead of your competition, you need to be prepared and familiar with all the latest technologies and trends. Feel free to add your own points and suggestions to this blog. What topics would you like the next blog to be about?

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