Pay Per Click Google Adwords -Why & How

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Why PPC(Pay Per Click)

Steps to follow for Pay Per Click Ads

Step 1

A complete examination of the site.

Step 2

Keyword research and Recommendations is performed.

Step 3

PPC campaign is setup to obtain a good quality score.

Step 4

Creation of creative ad-copy for every ad group with the objective of attaining CTR.

Step 5

Search And Display Ads Implementation

Step 6

Implementation of extensions to add functionalities.

Step 7

Bid Management.

Step 8

Filtration of negative keywords and weekly search queries.

Step 9

Creation of monthly progress reports.

Frequently Asked Questions on PPC Advertisement

An ad network refers to a platform that can deliver your ads to users. Google Ads (previously known as Google AdWords) is an example of an ad network. If you want to create PPC ads, you will use an ad network, like Google Ads, Facebook, or Microsoft Advertising.

CPC (Cost Per Click) or PPC (Pay Per Click) means you only have to pay for your ad when someone will click on it.
Other advertising types include:
1- Cost Per Impression: Ad cost is based on how many times your ad was shown
2- Cost Per Engagement: Ad cost depends on when the user completes a predefined engagement (like watching your video ad).

There are mainly three basic types of Google Ads:
Search Network campaigns – These ads generally run in text format and are shown on SERPs when someone searches for a product or service that’s similar to yours
Display Network campaigns – These ads generally run in image format and appear on websites or apps that your customers usually visit.
Video campaigns – These ads are usually of 6 to 15 seconds and are shown right before or during the youtube video.

Ad spend is your ad network budget. It’s how much you’re willing to spend with ad networks, whether for the year or the month. In most cases, businesses use ad spend to refer to their monthly budget. Whether you want to dedicate your entire ad spend to one ad network, like Google Ads, or multiple ad networks, you have full control of your PPC ad spend. If you’re unsure about where to invest your ad spend (or even how much to spend), ask us for details.


Ads that appear in search results earn more than 45% of page clicks.

Even better, people who click on ads are twice as likely to buy a product or service than an organic visitor, or someone who visits your site without clicking on an ad. With PPC ads, you can reach people looking to buy, which can make an immediate impact on your sales numbers.

Prices for a PPC ad campaign vary by business, industry, and strategy.

With PPC, what you pay per click depends on several factors, including:

Bid: In PPC, your bid is how much you’re willing to pay for someone to click on your ad. While you may pay less than your bid (depending on the ad auction) you won’t pay more than your bid.

Targeting: Targeting, from keywords to demographics, can also influence your PPC costs. Bidding on a competitive keyword like “consumers insurance agency,” for instance, can result in higher costs because it features a higher cost-per-click (CPC).

Ad quality: Quality score also matters in pay-per-click advertising. Big brands can’t pay-to-win in PPC because ad networks, like Google Ads, look at the quality and relevance of ads. Often, high-quality ads can maintain lower costs than low-quality ads.

Advertising with PPC ads offers your business several advantages in the marketplace, including:

– Set a custom budget that you can change at any time
– Access useful targeting options unavailable in traditional advertising
– Receive insightful audience and campaign data
– Respond to campaign performance in real-time to maximize performance
– Show up above organic results in online searches
– Outrank competitors
– Accomplish various goals, from brand awareness to purchases
– Reach people when they’re looking for you
– Support other digital marketing initiatives, like search engine optimization (SEO)

The fact that PPC offers an ROI of 2:1 demonstrates its usefulness in your online advertising strategy. If you want to grow your business online, as well as compete with top competitors, PPC can help you accomplish those goals.

Ad Rank is the order in which your ad appears on a search engine results page (SERP). There are two variables: the first is your bid (how much are you willing to pay), and the second is your quality score.

Google will recalculate your ad rank every time someone searches on the terms that trigger your ad, and so you can never simply say that you want your ad to appear at #1 all the time.

you want to look at your ads more often. For the best results, PPC experts recommend weekly campaign check-ins. In comparison, brand-new campaigns should receive daily monitoring.

If you want to take a proactive approach to monitoring your campaigns, but can’t, Digitalyaar can help by:

– Tracking your PPC campaign performance
– Making strategic updates to your bids
– Discovering new, high-opportunity keywords to target
No matter how you do it, frequent campaign monitoring will help create better campaigns.

PPC can work in a few different ways, depending on your ad network and ad type.
if you advertise on Google, you can expect the following:
– A user makes a search on a search engine like Google
– Google launches the ad auction, compiling all relevant ads and their Quality Scores
– The auction looks at each ad’s bid, quality, and potential impact to assign an Ad Rank
– Google delivers the ads in order of highest Ad Rank to lowest Ad Rank
During the ad auction, Google also calculates your CPC with the following formula:

CPC = Ad Rank of the ad below you / Your Quality Score + $0.01

If you build a helpful ad, you can achieve a better Quality Score, which can lead to lower costs and an improved Ad Rank.

Research closely on your competitor’s activities – a number of tools online allow you to do that. Closely track the keywords they are using. You can create better ads or place higher bids to be visible where your competitors are. 

Cost-per-click can increase due to increased competition for ad space. Within Adwords, the number of advertisers can be found in the auctions insights report. CPC will rise if too many advertisers are vying for the same keywords, especially during specific times in the year such as Black Friday or Christmas. Changes in quality scores, ad copy, or an anomaly in a few keywords can also cause a change in CPC.

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